Sitting in class for multiple hours at a time five days a week can be hard on the body. The high academic demand that comes with being a student at BCIT dictates that after all those hours in class students must go home or to the library and spend many more hours studying, again this takes a toll on the body. I started implementing yoga poses into my study breaks to help keep my body (and my mind) from getting too stiff. Not only does having loose muscles help with comfort while you are studying, it also helps with digestion and brain function by increasing circulation so you can maintain alertness. Here are some poses I would strongly recommend taking a few minutes to do on study breaks:
Hip Openers : hip flexors tend to shorten while you are sitting. Finding ways to loosen your hips translates into releasing your back and legs which can add to your comfort levels when you are forced to sit so long periods of time.
Fire logs (legs are crossed, shins stacked on top of each other)
Twists : gentle back twist are essential for maintaining length and flexibility in the back which takes a beating all day hunched over computers and notebooks.
Supine or seated twist
Shoulder and chest openers : many students tend to slouch over their computers or have trouble maintaining a good posture throughout the day. Chest openers are important to have in your stretching routine to activate the chest and shoulders and maintain good circulation.
Cat/Cow or the use of Resistance bands
Inversions: (my personal favourite thing to do on study breaks) Inversions allow blood to move to the head and reset the body allowing for a nice release of multiple muscle groups. They also help to increase alertness and are fun to try! The use of the wall is very helpful when doing inversions
- Headstand (without or without the wall)
- Handstand (with or without the wall)
- Teddy bear headstands
- Shoulder stands
If you have the time between studying and class, BCIT Recreation Services also offers some great yoga classes!