Sonography Student Life Part 1

Week 1

It’s me! 🙂

The level one diagnostic medical sonography program started on Sept 5th, 2017! Congratulations to everyone that worked so hard to get in, it was not an easy process. It is the first day and you can tell everyone is super excited. We had orientation, which consisted of an introduction to the program, a tour of the campus and meeting all of our instructors. Most of which are Sonographers themselves, so we know we are learning from the best.

We were introduced to the 32 students that we will be spending the most of our time with for the next 27 months. One of my classmates is a three minute drive away from me, which MEANS new carpool buddy! We ordered our scrubs, picked out our lockers and are waiting to receive our name tags. The amount of information we received this week was overwhelming, but the teachers are all so supportive and you can tell they want us to succeed!

Week 2

photo cred:

This week we met the level 3’s (level 3 is the 3rd semester of the program). It’s shocking to think that they were in our shoes a year ago and this will be us next year. They are great mentors to us, super nice and always willing to help. We pair up with them at lunch where they show us the ropes; they make it look so easy.

We got our scrubs this week, I bought 2 pairs to start with. I better get use to the postman blue coloured scrubs since I will be living in them for the next two years. This week I learned that I am a bit of a hypochondriac. Because I don’t know what I am imaging and looking at, I assume something must be wrong with me. Especially when I see my liver, I see all these black spots and assume it isn’t normal, but turns out they are just blood vessels. PHEW!

What’s that? and that? is that normal? what’s going on here? I google searched it and google says I’m sick and need to see my doctor.

Check out Sonography Student Life Part 2 to see how the rest of my month went.

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