Five Student Budgeting Tips

Hey guys! It’s me Syd, and I’m back again to share some of my budgeting tips with you! I can imagine that lots of us are on budgets, and some of us may have difficulty sticking to them. Honestly, I’m learning how to stay on budget too, sometimes it can be challenging but it’s an important skill to learn.

Track your finances!

There’s a few different way I like to track my finances, most major banks have an app that you can use to keep track of your accounts and with some you can set certain goals and set up transfers between accounts. There is also a variety of apps that can link to your bank and track your finances more specifically, I use Mint Financial. When looking into apps that can help track your finances, be very careful of what they’re asking for, don’t give your banking information out if something doesn’t feel right.

Make your coffee at home in the morning!

I know that sometimes it’s better when someone else makes some kind of food or drink for you, but this is a place where money goes out the window really quickly. One $3 cup of coffee for three days is nearly enough money for this French press you can buy at IKEA, it actually works very well, and will end up saving you some money.

Pack your lunch the night before!

While BCIT does have some awesome places to eat on campus, it can get a little bit pricey. Something I like to do is if I’m not too tired I like to pack my lunch the night before, or at the very least some snacks! It helps me get through the day smoothly, and then for me personally I won’t be grouchy with the people around me because my blood sugar is low.

Try not to eat out all the time

For some people, it might be your first time living away from home, for me initially I thought “I can do whatever I want, whenever I want”. It turns out I would eat out a lot, but I’ve quickly learned that not only does it make me feel not great physically but it makes my bank account not feel so great either. Going out for special occasions is okay, but try not to make it a consistent thing.

Finally, if none of this has helped you, there is Student Financial Aid and Awards that BCIT offers, some you have to apply for, but the website does also offer some assistance for other needs as well!

Take care everyone!

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