My start in BCIT’s Nautical Sciences program

September 3rd, 2013 is the day I started the Nautical Sciences program at BCIT.

The program is centralized around two elements: the school phase and the sea phase.

The school phase

The school part is pretty straight forward: you’re given six months in school to complete a certain volume of classes, get acquainted with principle operations of the ship, receive your introductory certificates enabling you to work on a commercial vessel (First Aid, Proficiency in Firefighting, etc), develop necessary skills in marine safety, communication, emergency and other shipboard procedures.

Meanwhile you will have constant workshops, interviews and presentations set up by shipping companies which are interested in recruiting you. There are a number of schools in Canada which specialize in creating qualified officers – BCIT in BC, Memorial University in Newfoundland, Université du Québec à Rimouski in Québec, Georgian College in Ontario. But it is BCIT’s Nautical Sciences program that has made a reputable name for itself and it’s students, thus giving hiring preferences among international employers to our graduating officers.

Captain Henry Jackman, last days of winter lay-up. Thunder Bay, Ontario.

The sea phase

After the initial six months comes the first sea phase. Employers will offer you positions within their fleet, you are to chose which company is more appealing. The date when you join the ship is agreed upon, contract and flights received. My first ship was the Captain Henry Jackman of Algoma Central Corporation, which I joined in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

1 thought on “My start in BCIT’s Nautical Sciences program”

  1. You may wish to do some fact checking. Lake superior is 304 nautical miles long and it took you 4 days at 12 knots? 4 x 12 x 24 = 1152 N.M. Talk about a great circle route?

    Best regards,


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