Art Hunchak’s Tools For Success

Art Hunchak

Art Hunchak was a master mechanic with a passion for passing on his knowledge and experience to any apprentice who wanted to learn. Many achieved their Red Seal under his patient and expert training.

After completing university then teaching math and physics for a few years, Art realized the trades could offer him a better future. He worked as a heavy duty mechanic while earning several welding tickets and continuing to learn from other trades people.

With a growing family living in small town Manitoba, life wasn’t easy. Art struggled to buy good tools but it became a priority in the household budget. Art’s wife Lil understood how important tools are to career success. She was proud to use them on occasion too!

When thinking of how best to celebrate Art’s life, the Hunchak family knows that a set of good tools to start an apprentices’ career and get that oh-so-important first job is the best way to go.

The Art Hunchak Memorial Award

With the help of the BCIT Foundation, The Art Hunchak Memorial Award for an exceptional Heavy Mechanical Trades Foundation student was created. The annual award includes a 450 piece tool kit within a NAPA UltraPro rolling tool cabinet totaling $3,500 in value. Alex Marchi, a very deserving BCIT student, proudly received the first tool set in May 2017.

“I came into the program very green, and not knowing much. I’ve always known I wanted to work on vehicles. I was introduced to the Heavy Duty Mechanics program at a BCIT info session.

This award is life-changing because I have a head start working as an apprentice following my training. It made the transition into my career a  meaningful milestone in my life.  

When I met the Hunchak family, they shared about Art’s life.  It was amazing to learn more about his legacy. They told me how he helped around his neighborhood fixing kids bikes. Those tools are still used to help others today and I’m striving to pay it forward with my new tools. I am keeping in touch with the Hunchak family and will contribute to this award in the years to come.

Alex Marchi receiving the Art Hunchak Memorial Award

As a student who works only part-time, financially it was a huge blessing. I appreciate the amount of work and planning the Hunchak family has put into this award. I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity. ”

 – Alex Marchi, 2017 award recipient

The Hunchak family hopes that every student who receives this tool set will carry on Art’s legacy in their unique way. The BCIT Foundation is very grateful for the continued support of BCIT students. If you’d like to learn more, please contact our Annual Giving Team at or 604-432-8803.

2 thoughts on “Art Hunchak’s Tools For Success”

  1. I am so proud of my Dads legacy. I have followed in his foot steps after graduating from BCIT,s HD Mechanics program as well. My dad received his HD Red seal under the same instructors that I had the pleasure of learning from. I worked in the trade for 37 years and am well aware of how expensive it is to purchase that initial tool set. I wish Alex all the success the trade has to offer and am very happy to have been a part in getting you started. I still remember that November day in 1979 how proud my dad was when I came home with my interprovincial TQ in hand. I look forward to the future recipients of this award and know my dad is looking down with a big smile on his face.

  2. Hi Norman,

    Thank you so much for your comment and for your contribution to BCIT through your dad’s legacy. Art was an extraordinary person and this award is truly a wonderful way to celebrate his memory. We look forward to working with you in the future to continue providing much-needed tools to BCIT Students.


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