Learn how BCIT is saving our wetlands

Wetlands prevent erosion and flooding. They stabilize shorelines and offer refuge to wildlife. They reduce carbon. In short, wetlands are wonderful. Today—February 2nd—is World Wetlands Day.

Tonight, BCIT will be well-represented at an event celebrating wetland preservation work in the lower mainland. The District of North Vancouver has invited local experts to talk about the vital ecosystems and the work being done to restore and preserve them.

L-R: Ecological Restoration students Stormy MacKay, Jennifer Sibbald and Emma Hoskins.

Three BCIT Ecological Restoration students—Jennifer Sibbald, Stormy MacKay and Emma Hoskins—will talk about the restoration of Mackay Creek Marsh and about the importance of wetlands in urban environments.

“We are honoured to be asked to participate,” say the students. “We have put a lot of effort into our project work at the Mackay Creek Marsh and it is very rewarding to see the work we’ve done go beyond the walls of the classroom.”

The BCIT Rivers Institute will also be represented at the event by Dave Harper, who is set to talk about habitat restoration in the Burrard Inlet.

“The District of North Vancouver has followed the work of BCIT students that have been planning and completing restorative work around Burrard Inlet,” explains Richard Boase, the Environmental Protection Officer for the District of North Vancouver. “This includes partnering with BCIT on work at Mackay Creek Marsh and the Seymour River estuary. We see tremendous value in this partnership and have been very impressed with the results of the studies and the restorative work. World Wetlands Day is an opportunity for BCIT students to share their experiences with a broader audience.”

Find you more information about the lineup here, or simply show up for an engaging evening. It’s free and there is no need to register.

7:30pm – 9:30pm

District Hall Council Chambers
355 West Queens Road
North Vancouver

If you can’t make it to the event tonight, here’s a taste of what our Ecological Restoration students get up to. (Video credit: Port of Vancouver)


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