Dominic Barton on BCIT as a world-class institution

Dominic Barton, Global Managing Director of McKinsey & Company, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Technology today from BCIT.

In his keynote address, Dominic told the BCIT Class of 2016: “You should be incredibly proud of the institution that you come from. It is world class and the results show you deliver more jobs for students than any other institution that’s out there.” Extremely high praise from a man who knows a thing or two about high achievement.

To the graduates in the audience, Dominic shared some valuable advice and also encouraged them to step up into leadership roles. “You’re leading in a time of incredible disruption. That’s going to require leadership we’ve never seen before. You have a right, and obligation to lead. You’re coming from a world-class institution… an institution that is taught by people who are also practitioners, people who understand and have experience in what’s actually happening out there.”

So no pressure class of 2016! Congratulations on your achievements. We can’t wait to see what you do next!


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