Sheila Early, Program Coordinator for Forensic Health Sciences at BCIT and President of the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN), gave an interview to the Australian website IIR Healthcare about the evolving role of the forensic nurse, challenges in gaining proper international recognition for the specialized profession and managing the balancing act between work and personal lives in a demanding role. When asked about the future of forensic nursing, Sheila responded:
“Forensic nursing is greatly affected by developments such as rapid DNA testing, targeted toxicology testing, refinement of techniques for analyzing samples such as swabs and clothing. Photography and videography have also enhanced the skills of the forensic nurse. The key is to always remember the patient – living or deceased. It is the primary concern of the forensic nurse and consent is the vital issue that enables the forensic nurse to perform the specialized skills needed in the care of the forensic patient population. That is why procedures and protocols are constantly being evaluated by research and then moved into best practice.”