The Do’s and Don’ts of For a Safe Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner and kids and parents are gearing up for the festivities. Costumes, decorations, fireworks, and more are all on the table, but trick-or-treating may not be one of them. Last year children were permitted to go trick-or-treating as long as a mask was worn. People handing out candy concerned with social distancing and infection resorted to throwing the candy to the kids from a safe distance, giving out candy hands free, or keeping a bowl of candy on the porch for kids to take. Nonetheless tensions were high for many in a questionable period of the pandemic. 

A new poll came out this year asking the general public about their views on Halloween, suggesting not as many doors will be open this year. The online poll done by Leger and the Association for Canadian Studies asked parents if they let their child trick-or-treat last year and if so, are letting them do it again this year. 252 of the 447 participants let their children dress up and go door to door last year. Of those 252 participants, 93% of them say they will likely let their kids do the same thing this Sunday. Of the 56% people who said they disallowed their children to go out last year, half of them said they would normally dish out candy on Halloween, but due to the health risks they would not partake in doing so.

Pixabay / gadgemayur

Despite the fear circulating around Halloween, the executive vice-president of Leger, Christian Bourque put out a statement saying some parents who kept their kids inside may allow them to go out on October 31st given the high vaccination rates now compared to last year. Rules are in place across Canada to ensure people have an enjoyable and safe time this Halloween. Specifically in British Columbia, people that partake in Halloween will need to continue to wear a mask outside and use hand sanitizer or wash their hands often. People are being urged to hand out sealed and pre-packaged candy outside on their porch. Anyone who is attending an indoor social gathering should be vaccinated, however no limits are in place for the amount of people you can have over.

With the dampening of restrictions comes the arrival of Halloween events. You can get your spook on to get you and your friends and family in the spirit at some of these scary spots across the lower mainland. Fantasy Farms out in Chilliwack is perfect for anyone looking for a scare. Fantasy Farms’ haunted house “Reapers Haunted Attractions” is sure to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight up. Crazed asylum patients and evil doctors roam the halls as you tread with utmost caution, fearing for what’s around the next corner. If that isn’t enough of a fright for you, Fantasy Farms’ offers a terrifying experience in the corn maze. With no lights and no sense of direction, you must navigate yourself to the end while the masked madman from Chainsaw Massacre stalks the field with his chainsaw in search of his next victim.

Pixabay / webandi

If you’re looking for something more family friendly, Laity Pumpkin Patch in Maple Ridge may be the place to satisfy all your needs for the autumn season. Laity offers the public a look at their vast pumpkin patch, a petting zoo inside a barn full of cute farm animals, and many other activities including wagon rides, panning for gold, and a corn maze. Laity Pumpkin Patch brings back so many nostalgic feelings from when I was a kid. My favourite part about Laity is that from the hundreds of pumpkins out in the field you’re able to choose one and bring it home or carve it at the pumpkin carving station at Laity Pumpkin Patch. Tickets to the pumpkin patch are only $10 for people ages 3+, but time is running out to attend. Laity Pumpkin Patch is only open till the 31st of October. You can reserve tickets to the pumpkin patch to ensure you get in on their website at

To say the least, the festivities for Halloween are in abundance this year, but for many fireworks may not be one. The Vancouver Government put out a statement last year announcing fireworks would be banned for the coming years due to health risks and noise complaints by many Vancouver residents. The Vancouver Government is following through with this ban of amateur pyrotechnics, disallowing residents of Vancouver the ability to purchase, sell, or use fireworks. Breaking these rules could result in a $1,000 fine to anyone involved. Only those with both a federal operator certificate and a municipal fire permit may use fireworks for commercial use only.

This issue of banning fireworks is not a new issue to Vancouver when Green Councillor Pete Fry brought the issue to light in 2019. 

“It’s been an ongoing issue, especially for the folks who have pets or folks with PTSD, the distressing anxiety over fireworks,” Fry said at the time.

Fry’s gripes with fireworks were not only with the effects it had on people and animals suffering from PTSD, but with the damages they could potentially set upon neighbourhoods and people.

Back in 2015 a Vancouver family lost their home to a fire when a roman candle was shot and landed on the porch setting the house ablaze. Patricia Mitchell’s Home was up in flames within minutes as the fire spread around the house. Her brother and tenant were in the house at the time and narrowly escaped as the structure started to collapse. “The fire department said, ‘One more minute and your brother would have been dead,’” Mitchell told reporters. The ones who shot the roman candle were never caught creating a nightmarish 5 years of legal issues and trouble for Mitchell and her family.


Another incident in 2020 caused major backlash towards the sale of fireworks when a Vancouver senior, 88 was burned while sleeping when a firework burst through her window and hit her head. Luckily she only suffered minor injuries.Thankfully no fire broke out and police were quick to the scene only finding the cardboard casing in which the firework was shot from.

Law enforcement and fire departments are wary that the ban of fireworks will result in the boom of an underground market for unregulated pyrotechnics. Vancouver Officers are saying that people must be cautious this year and stay mindful of those around you. 

Hopefully with this information you can navigate the do’s and don’ts of an ever growing and ever hectic holiday. Stay safe and Happy Halloween.

Tech Companies are Holding a Monopoly Over Your Personal Data

Since the 2000’s the human race has seen technological advancements far greater than anything we as a people could have expected. The invention of computers, cellphones, and the internet have closed the gap between countries and communities all over the world. But where do these interactions and connections take place? Many would say the rise of social media networks are where the majority of global conversations take place, and for that you’d be right. Compared to a decade ago, you may have had a friend or family member not active on a social media platform. Now it’s more common to meet someone who has a profile on Facebook than someone with a driver’s license. In 2021 2.98 billion active users are on Facebook alone. Companies worth millions and billions of dollars in a sense control the internet and the way in which we interact with others. So what does this mean to the general public?

Pixabay / Pexels

The conversation comes down to: how much personal information do you share online? How much and what are you willing to share? When you post something on social media networks you are not only sharing it with your friends but with every user on the platform. At what point does the information strangers know about you become an invasion of privacy? These are some of the questions being brought up in social circles across the internet and are being discussed on a government level. Since 2019, Facebook, and other social media titans have been less than transparent with what they do with the data you share on their social media sites. The BBC, Global News, and other news publications brought to light what Big Tech is doing with the mass amounts of data and why they collect it. 

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook has come out multiple times saying Facebook doesn’t sell the date of their consumers, but there is a fine line to that statement made by him. The way Zuckerberg uses the word “sell” isn’t the conventional way one might use it like how one would buy groceries at a store. The way in which Facebook conducts business regarding the “sale” of data is through partnerships. Facebook will partner with the highest bidder and then become contractually obligated to give the data to the partnered company, person, government, the list goes on. With the right amount of money and connections, anyone can purchase your data and you’d be none the wiser. This is the way most social media empires get around the loophole of outright selling your personal information without your consent. 

Pixabay / geralt

This also raises concerns in regards to hackers and cyber criminals. Since data is stored in one confined area hackers have an easier time pinpointing the location of millions of user’s information. Photos, names, emails, street addresses, family members, and purchase information are all within the grasp of these cyber criminals once they find the location. Playstation Network,, and the most recent Facebook hack are all examples of hackers getting hold of your information. Over 533 million of Facebook’s users were subject to the data leak in April of 2021. Phone numbers and personal data were leaked to the internet without any notice. Much of Facebook’s own code was deleted temporarily, stopping anyone from accessing Facebook and any other Facebook-owned companies, such as Instagram and Whatsapp. It brought into question how safe our data is in the hands of those who would sell it to anonymous entities, and having little concern over their user’s private information leaking.

To combat the compiling of the public’s data many are looking towards expanding the market of social media by creating new networks. However this has proven to be quite the difficult task. Social Media sites such as Locals, and the once independent Instagram were paving a new path towards a free market. But Big Tech companies such as Facebook, and Rumble have bought out these smaller companies meshing them with their larger network. It’s the reason why social media apps ask you if you’d like to connect your information, pictures, and friends with other apps. We are seeing the same thing happening here in Canada when it comes to start up companies. Microsoft recently purchased a Kelowna-based tech company. Two Hats the Kelowna tech company announced Friday they had made a deal with Microsoft. Two Hats was a tech company specializing in content moderation in online communities. Microsoft put out a statement discussing the importance of Two Hats software.

“For any online community to thrive, content moderation is a critical investment to ensure positive user experiences and maintain engagement over time.”

– Microsoft, Public Relations

Microsoft also went on to add they’d be using Two Hat’s technology to protect and nurture diverse online communities for the future. 

Pixabay / coffeebeanworks

In recent news, Facebook has announced their new branding, renaming the company Meta. Meta is a project led by Zuckerberg and his team, involving the implementation of virtual reality into the social media realm. Zuckerberg accomplished this after purchasing Oculus, a virtual reality headset used specifically to mimic physical movement and cast them to a virtual space. Moving Facebook’s social space into a virtual setting monopolizes the market and allows Facebook to take complete control and moderate who and what they please. Critics of Facebook’s new virtual reality network say it wasn’t created in good faith and may be a similar situation to how Facebook is moderating their current platform. These calls for clarity are falling on deaf ears. A majority of the user base on Facebook is using the platform’s content algorithm to create unrest between opposing political parties and civil unrest resulting in real world problems.

At this point in time, one can only be so careful. Taking precautions such as using a VPN are a perfect example of ways to protect your data from cyber criminals and data buyers. Be careful and think twice about what information you are willing to let others know. The internet can be a challenging place to navigate through but with a little common sense and knowledge you can continue to use social media in a safe and controlled manner.

Leylah Fernandez Drops Out of Billie Jean King Cup

The Billie Jean King Cup is in 14 days and counting, with teams gearing up and training to play on the world stage in Prague. However one athlete won’t be participating in the tournament and festivities this year. Leylah Fernandez of team Canada has chosen to back out of the Billie Jean King Cup, leaving team Canada without their top 2 players.

Fernandez put out a statement addressing everyone’s concerns regarding the situation saying, “After consideration, I have made the decision to not play the BJK Cup Finals. I wish my team all the best this November.” Fernandez has had quite the season, advancing to the U.S. Open Finals where she lost to Emma Raducanu.

“It has always been an honor to represent my country.”

  • Leylah Annie Fernandez / TSN

The 19-year-old that’s ranked No. 28 in the world had an amazing breakout year exhibiting her skills in the U.S. Open beating Elina Svitolina ranked No. 3 in the world in quarter finals and Aryna Sabalenka ranked No. 2 in the world in semi-finals. 

Fernandez’s teammates are saddened by the news of her dropping out but wish her the best in the off season and future matches. Interim Canada Captain, Sylvain Bruneau shared some words saying, “We know that representing her country means the world to Leylah,” in an interview with TSN, “But it has been a long season and we understand her decision.”

Fernandez will be replaced with Toronto’s Carol Zhao. Zhao brings experience and knowledge to team Canada, playing in 3 Billie Jean King Cups in her career. Zhao will be joined by Vancouver’s Rebecca Marino, Ottawa’s Gabriela Dabrowski and Montreal’s Françoise Abanda.

Bianca Andreescu, Canada’s top-ranked player at No. 21, is the second player that said earlier she won’t be participating in the Billie Jean King Cup Finals and would be focusing on preparing for the next WTA tour season.

The Billie Jean King Cup starts on November 1st and ends on the 6th.

Vancouver Canucks Kept at Bay by Red Wings Goaltender, Thomas Greiss

The Canucks faced off against the Detroit Red Wings this Saturday for the third game on their 6 game road trip. Vancouver’s victory over The Philadelphia Flyers was short lived, losing to The Red Wings 3-1. The Red Wings coming into the game were winless in the regular season after an overtime loss against the Tampa Bay Lightning. 

Both teams during the start of the game came out the gates battling. The Canucks worked the puck better than their previous game, creating multiple shot opportunities, but weren’t able to finish near the net. However it was The Red Wings that took the early lead with less than 9 minutes to go in the first period. Robby Fabbri redirected a shot from the blue line into Vancouver’s net. 

The Canucks coming into the second period performed in a similar style compared to their last two games, looking lively and focused. The Canucks were able to get on the board and answer back to The Red Wings’ goal in the first. Vancouver’s Conor Garland sped around the back of the net to bury the puck into the top corner to tie the game. 

However 2 minutes later The Red Wings on a power play answered back with another goal of their own. Filip Zadina with a one-timer sent a bullet flying to the back of Vancouver’s net. The Canucks had a chance to tie it back up with minutes left in the second when Garland and Höglander caught a turnover and dove down towards the Red Wings net, but Red Wings goaltender, Thomas Greiss made an exceptional save.

Greiss made 40 saves shutting down The Canucks’ offence for the greater part of the game. In the third period Greiss was a brick wall, keeping The Canucks at bay. With 58 seconds left Red Wings’ Sam Gagner scored an empty net goal.

“If we [The Canucks] want a fighting chance in the second half of the road trip, we have to play more consistent hockey,” said Vancouver Canucks GM, Jim Benning. 

The Canucks are heading to Buffalo for game 4 of their six game road trip to play the Sabres on Tuesday.

Vancouver Canucks Squeeze Out a Win Against The Philadelphia Flyers

It was back to work for The Vancouver Canucks, taking on The Philadelphia Flyers for their second game on the road. Thankfully the Canucks pulled away with a victory in what was another tight match. The Canucks have gone to shootout twice in two games sticking to a tense and stressful narrative that’s led into the regular season. 

The Canucks scraped out a 5-4 win after the game went to a shootout on Friday. The Canucks’ victory didn’t come without some adversity, getting outshot 15-4 in the first period. Puck turnovers and many minutes on the defense presented clear flaws in Vancouver’s playmaking abilities, leading to The Flyers snatching the first goal of the game.

The Canucks picked up the pace in the second, emerging out of the locker room as a collected group of players. The Canucks gained the lead amassing 4 goals in a single period, only letting up 1 goal. Elias Pettersson, Alex Chiasson, J.T. Miller, and the newest addition to the lineup Vasily Podkolzin put the numbers on the board, racking up 13 out of the 39 shots on net.

The momentum built from the second period sadly wasn’t enough to get the Canucks through the third. The Flyers scored two goals tying the game at 4-4. The Canucks weren’t getting outplayed like they did in the first period, but poor finishing in the offensive zone and bad calls by the referees pushed the game to overtime.

Thatcher Demko, the goalie for Vancouver prevented all advances The Flyers made towards the net, showing off his skills in a high pressure situation. Peterson and Miller clutched up for the Canucks putting away two goals to win the shootout. 

Vancouver still has work to do, as they +head to Detroit to face off against The Red Wings on Saturday. Vancouver continues their 6 game road trip before returning home on the 26th to play the Minnesota Wild. 

Curling Canada Teams up With PointsBet Introducing Betting to Single-Event Matches

Are you willing to wager a bet? Would you put money down for B.C. to Defeat Saskatchewan? With the passing of bill C-218 by the Federal Government, betting on single-event curling matches is now possible and you can get in on all the action.

Curling Canada has signed a deal with PointsBet Canada to become the official sports betting partner of the organization. PointsBet Canada will offer innovative ways for curling fans to bet on their favourite curling teams in real time. PointsBet will also support wagers for Seasons of Champion Events. 

Peter Miller / Flickr

Katherine Henderson, chief executive officer for Curling Canada put out a statement welcoming PointsBet to the sport and touching upon the many benefits they offer.  

“PointsBet’s track record speaks for itself, as the company has existing partnerships with a variety of highly regarded partners around the world, and we couldn’t be happier to enter into this new venture with an industry leader.”

  • Katherine Henderson, Chief Executive Officer of Curling Canada, TSN

Henderson also touched on the opportunities available with PointsBet not only with Canada Curling but with other sports organizations, foreign and domestic.

PointsBet founded its operations in Australia where betting has a mature market. PointsBet has reached its hands into well known sporting leagues such as the NHL, MLB, NFL, MBA, WMBA, and the PGA Tour. Scott Vanderwel, the CEO of PointsBet Canada said he believes it’s important to bring a new experience to one of Canada’s favourite pastime sports.

Another company that is jumping on the new betting regulations in curling is CoolBets. CoolBets has offered sport wagering on major curling events for years. CoolBets have operated internationally, offering betting to those in Canada in the grey area of legality. 

However they have solidified themselves as a reliable and straightforward betting site providing an original approach to sports wagering. CoolBets have taken an unconventional approach to attracting customers with the use of Twitter, attracting a whole new demographic with witty and funny commentary on events and their services.

Vancouver Canucks Scrambling to Find Momentum in Season Opener

It was a difficult start to the NHL season for the Vancouver Canucks this past Wednesday. The Canucks took a journey into Edmonton Oilers territory losing in a shootout 3-2. Leading up to the NHL season the Canucks were looking short handed with five players out on the DL, including Vancouver’s right wing, Brock Boeser. Nonetheless, the Canucks were able to pick up Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Conor Garland, Tucker Poolman, and get a healthy Elias Peterson back in the mix before pre-season ended.

The Oilers came out the gate putting pressure on the Canucks outshooting them handily. Edmonton was controlling the puck and making smart plays for the greater half of the first frame. Finally The Oilers broke through with three minutes left taking the lead. 

Zach Hyman scored in the second period pushing the lead to two. In regulation play, Conor Mcdavid got on the scorecard putting up two assists for the evening. But in the third set the Canucks kicked it in gear scoring, tying up the game with only three minutes left. 

Going into overtime the Canucks didn’t look like they had the momentum to push through. Mike Smith was a brick wall stopping every shot sent at him. Oiler’s Kyle Turris put it home to end the game in a shootout. 

The Canucks have 6 more games on the road, travelling to Philadelphia on Friday to play the Flyers. Vancouver’s start of the season, 6 game road trip will be the longest in franchise history. 

Jim Benning the GM of the Canuck put out a statement shedding light on the numerous injuries that have swept over the team. Benning says they’ll continue to keep the public up to date on any breakthroughs and progress, but for now the focus is on building better rapport with the new players added to the roster.

Team Canada Take a Crucial Victory Against Panama in World Cup Qualifiers

The CONCACAF World Cup qualifiers are in Toronto, Ontario as teams compete for a spot in the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. Many teams are showing well such as Mexico and the United States leading the final round of qualifiers. However Canada has shocked a great deal of spectators with their outstanding performance on the pitch.

Canada is comfortably sitting 3rd in the standings with a 2-4-0 record, after an amazing 4-1 victory over Panama on Wednesday. The Canadians absolutely dominated the field for the greater part of the matching, showing the world their elite capability. 

@BarDown / Twitter

At the start of the game, less than 5 minutes after kick off Panama took an early lead with a beautiful cross pass to Orlando Blackburn who put it in for a goal. However Canada put unrelenting pressure on Panama’s defence until the 26th minute of play where Canada was able to tie the game up with a corner kick. Canada kept their momentum after this, scoring an additional 3 goals.

Many are attributing this must win victory to one player in particular, Alphonso Davies. The 20 year old Ghana Born Canadian showcased his lightning speed, perceptive playmaking, and flair cementing himself as the face of his soccer club. Davies was signed to the Whitecaps at the age of 16 debuting in his first game in 2016. Davies later moved on to Bayern Munich in the 2018-2019 season where he currently plays.

@DrakeDirect_ / Twitter

After the game Toronto rapper Drake shot Davies a text congratulating him and his team on a well deserved win. Drake also invited team Canada to meet with him to celebrate getting past qualifiers, posting the pictures to twitter. 

No one can be certain what Canada has in store for them in the coming year in Qatar, but for now fans and citizens of Canada can bask in the milestone met by such an exceptional team.