It’s a long time debate and the answer is a pretty tricky one. Or is there even an answer? I guess it’s all opinion based and subjective. I’m talking about separating an artist from their art. Can you do it? Or is it just not possible under some circumstances. This question becomes relevant when an artist is wrong and has done something wrong. From musicians, filmmakers, influencers, authors, and more, the discussion forces you to consider where to draw the line between appreciating the talent and works, or boycotting it all together. In today’s day in age where we live in an online digital culture and cancel culture is everywhere this is something I’m sure you’ve come across once or twice.
People argue that art should be judged separately from the artist, no matter the circumstance. The piece still remains the piece regardless of the creator’s actions. Which does make sense, it’s not like the movie or painting can talk and do what they did that’s wrong right? But then on the other hand the other side of the argument is, do you really want to support the creator of that piece, watching their movie, listening to their song, whatever it may be, enjoying their art is still supporting the creator.
In a world and culture where you want to always be making the right choice and standing up for everyone this is kinda a grey area and I find myself often conflicted on what to do. For example, I’ve always loved the Harry Potter series, but is supporting J.K Rowling wrong? Should I be boycotting the series entirely? When I enjoy the movies it’s not like I’m enjoying the creators beliefs but I think for a lot of people they would rather people just avoid the Harry Potter series entirely, however I’m not trying to endorse her and not trying to support her, I’m just trying to watch Harry Potter and Ron.
I guess the reality is there is not really a right answer, this is difficult. It’s up to you to decide where to stand. And although it’s confusing and can be a grey area it’s all subjective and up to you to decide at the end of the day.