Throughout my journey through school I’ve definitely noticed a shift in the whole work culture. I was even chatting with my friends about this a couple days ago. In high school we’re mainly taught about the 9-5 grind but something that I’ve noticed is way more common than I expected is the gig and freelance culture little side jobs here and there adding up for your income or even with today’s economy side gigs on top of your 9-5 grind are becoming the norm.
Not thinking of the finance sides of things for a second, it could just be based on what you like. Some people prefer a more structured routine based lifestyle. Thriving with the routine of starting your day off at 9 and clocking out at 5 p.m. and enjoying a clear work-life balance. You do your work in the office and get to leave work behind for the evening, that part sounds nice to me. But some people enjoy the freedom with their days, no real schedule, picking up gigs here and there, side projects, big projects, whatever they can get their hands on for some cash.
In this crazy economy the culture lines of work are getting more messy and straight forward. Nowadays more people are becoming their own boss. Honing into this digital age and capitalizing off social media by posting more and getting paid through brand deals and ads or even just starting your own business from the ground up.
I work as a part time server at a restaurant and a lot of my co workers have 9-5 day jobs and then come to serve for extra cash as their side gig. This is something I see coming in as my future once I graduate. I mean especially in Vancouver, the cost of living is insane so I totally see how I’d have to work a day job and come serve at night. And to be honest it’s also kinda fun and walking away with some cash at the end of the night is worth it to deal with all the Karens.
I used to think I’d always love the structure and routine and the idea of leaving your work at work but now if I ever got the choice, I think I’d be leaning more to the side hustles and gigs. I mean it sounds awesome, but I guess it can also get tricky if there’s no work coming in.
The world you live in is definitely changing and the way you make your money is to? If you could pick if the money was off the table, what would you pick? The 9-5 grind or the side hustle life.