George Returns!

The Detroit Red Wings showed love to a young fan the other night… at the expense of the Vancouver Canucks. Now George has returned to the game and fans are ecstatic about it!

During the Canucks lopsided defeat to Detroit on the road the game was paused due to the Red Wings net coming loose.

This left the fans waiting for some action and entertainment. The Detroit Red Wings camera crew delivered.

The camera crew found a young boy to focus on with a sign behind him reading; “it’s my first game- George”.

The crowd in attendance erupted for George, giving the camera crew a great idea. They quickly switched to a shot of Canucks fans in attendance and the whole crowd started to boo. The Canucks fans laughed it off and the camera crew switched back to George. Once again the arena erupted, this time even louder then before. Then quickly the crew switched back to different Canucks fans and the arena was quick to boo once more.

This continued for the next several minutes until the on ice action was ready to resume.

You could tell George was a little shy at first but eventually he opened up and had a huge smile on his face.

Now George has returned to his second NHL game and fans are just as happy about it.

The NHL posted a video earlier today of a look alike camera that took place at the Red Wings game. They posted George up on the screen and then the look alike camera panned over to George!

George was as shy as ever but it was nice to see him back at the game again.

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