How to stop the self sabotage

Coming swiftly to the end of my schooling at BCIT I’m quickly being reacquainted with an old enemy, the feeling of not being good enough. 

It lingers, no matter how many good grades I get, or how much I’m being told I am doing good, I still will sit there and think “no I can’t do that” or “I’m terrible at that”. This feeling is more evident because the end is nearing with figuring out the next step “in the real world”. 

This heavy emotion that is weighing me down lately got me thinking of the idea of self sabotage, a feeling I know a lot of people (especially women) have. They aren’t good enough, they are not prepared enough, or feel educated enough. They make sure everyone is very aware of their flaws before jumping into a new position, just so everyone can be prepared for them to be the worse (even if they are completely qualified and would do amazing).

So being just as riddled with feelings of not being good enough and feeling not ready for the next step, I have looked into some ways to stop self sabotage. Just end it right in its tracks! 

These are all things I have found on the internet and will be trying to practice. Here is what I found. 

Understanding and Recognizing Self Sabotage: Sometimes it can be hard to notice because it is just small things you don’t even realize you’re doing and it can look like many things. It can be procrastinating and it can be perfectionism, both fit into this narrative of holding yourself back and making you feel not good enough. 

Identifying Self Sabotage: Self sabotage happens more often than not as a response to stress. Once you can identify what is causing these feelings then you can better redirect your thoughts and tackle what is stressing you out. 

Understand Yourself: You know you and you know your patterns, when you can consciously see that you are getting in your own way that is when you can step back, redirect your thoughts and choose again. 

This barely scratches the surface of self sabotaging thoughts and if you identified with any of this that I encourage you to look more into it. (I am and did not even realize perfectionism was a sign of self sabotage until writing this).

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